Monday 3 April 2017

Week 33 & 34: OFFL Cup Quarter Finals Draw

Craig McHugh McScrimgeour becomes Manager of the Week this week as his Game of Throw Ins smack up a nice little 20 pointage piece which lifts themselves up five places into Fourteenth.

Meanwhile, at the top of the table The Jostle continues cutting a dash on the dancefloor with the perturbably flappable participants Bielby, Clayton, Smasher and now McConaghy all linking arms and high-kicking for the top spot.  Though, currently looking a little weary, and as if he's about to make an excuse about going to the bar to have a sit down, is Smasher who has become the first Manager this season to use up all his transfers.  

As if that's an achievement.

Shall we have another cup round?


QUARTER FINALS, to be played over Week 36

             RS-TBOY v Moobchester United
       Rick Beecroft   Jon King

    Starpratt Mustgo v Moreton Rovers
Malcolm Meaden-Pratt   Edgar Rayner
   Inter Milandrover v The Flying Geese
             Smasher   Mandy Noble

         Shutdown FC v Dowds Farm Goblins
            Sam Reed   Nick Borrett

Get your transfers in NOW [if you have any left]

T h e   T a b l e
                                            Value Points
   Team                 Manager             (GBPm)Wk Tot
 1 Livercoolio          Russell Bielby       54.8  4 335
 2 Pyeators             Dave Clayton         55.0  3 326
 3 Inter Milandrover    Smasher              54.7 -3 325
 4 Neil's Diamonds      Neil McConaghy       55.0 14 325
 5 Dowds Farm Goblins   Nick Borrett         54.9  3 318
 6 Crystal Phallus      Guy Salter           54.2  3 308
 7 RS-TBOY              Rick Beecroft        55.0 10 306
 8 Moobchester United   Jon King             54.7  5 301
 9 Epic Yellowz         Stanley/Kate Wilson  54.0  7 299
10 Starpratt Mustgo     Malcolm Meaden-Pratt 55.0  7 296
11 Radnorshire Tigers   Alun Edwards         54.7  0 294
12 Big Girl's Blouses   Guy Harewood         54.6  5 286
13 Absolutely Fabregas  Sarah Bingham        55.0 15 286
14 Game Of Throw Ins    Craig McHugh         54.9 20 276
15 Moanchester United   Alex Blundell        54.7  7 271
16 Johnny's Heroes      Sarah Bielby         54.6  5 270
17 Bourneslippy         Karyn Meaden-Pratt   54.5 19 267
18 Irishpool            Mike Smears          54.2 12 266
19 Toby's Gang          Toby Larking         54.8  6 262
20 Shutdown FC          Sam Reed             54.0  1 261
21 Minty's Minions      Minty Colquhoun      53.9  0 259
22 The Flying Geese     Mandy Noble          54.8  6 249
23 Guess Hughton        Nick Reed            54.3  2 247
24 It's A Snickers      Ashley Keeler        54.0 13 214
25 Roll all the dice FC Gavin Ward           54.6 16 212
26 Sheep City           Martyn Field         53.9  7 188
27 Obi Wan Kenobi Nil   Chris Walsh          53.7  6 175
28 Moreton Rovers       Edgar Rayner         55.0 11 136
29 Ali McMoist          Ali Larking          46.8  1  85
30 The Trumpeteers      Donald Trump         42.9  6  14

                        Week's Average Points        7.0
                        Total Average Points       255.2

T r a n s f e r s   a n d   s t u f f
For Wk34

Inter Milandrover
   From: Smasher
Subject: The Final Transfer

FB S Coleman EVE

172 FB L Baines EVE

Chairman responds:
Having a broken-legged Coleman would have been better for you than Leighton 'Minus 2' Baines.

For Wk35

Neil's Diamonds
   From: Neil McConaghy
Subject: Neil's Diamonds Transfer Time

Hello Sir

I'd like to make two changes to the team please:

324 Ramsey 
406 Lallana

402 Coutinho
368 Zaha

Hope you're well. 

Chairman responds:
Finger on the pulse, eh?  Are you going to be repeating your 2008 Big Mac's Mingmongs success like what you had back then and that innit though?  Your best chance in 9 years.


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