Evidence, indeed, that evinces and convinces that this most beloved of OFFL competitions is worth every second that is ploughed into it and not a complete waste of valuable time that could be used to help old people across busy roads.
Our new Office Fantasy Football League Champions' manager, Ally Edwards, has taken the time to write to us all, even feeling the need to explain the history behind his team's name "Radnorshire Tigers".
No really, Ally, you needn't.... [too late]

"I really enjoyed this year's league - as I have the few years I've done it - but this year's headless-chicken knee-jerk reactions appear to have paid off!
"Never before won any kind of sporting accolade for leadership ;) although did once win man-of-the-match for 7 catches in one game (in the outfield)!
"btw the team name is from a story (sort of in the style of P.G. Wodehouse's 'Jeeves' crossed with Grossmith's 'Mr Pooter') written in local press circa 1901 in response to a news story as reported in The Times (Saturday, Nov 17, 1900; pg. 11; Issue 36302; col G - see attached imagefile). I worked as an archivist for years in Llandrindod and that story was my favourite artefact!
"Best wishes, Ally"
Archivists, eh? They do it with gloves on.
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