Qualified Ahead of Scotland |
We're back. We're back from watching two terribly tedious and turgid nil-nil England games followed by the final toilet-flush of the rest of the Home Nations' attempts at World Cup Qualification. All except Ireland of course. They qualified...
...oh hang on. Not Ireland. Iceland. We meant Iceland.
Iceland qualified. You hear that Scotland? ICELAND.
Even Bejam qualified before Scotland.
Oops again. We mean Belgium. BELGIUM.
The distant dirge of desolate tumbleweeding from the usual goal-pated prattling pundits has perked upwardly thanks to a fine week of Premiershippery. Even Birthday Boy Mike Smears managed to notch up a score of over 50 points. Hardly a [bald]patch, however, on this week's
Manager of the Week. Yes, Alex Blundering Blundell transfers in the Pope before going ahead and scoring a heavenly mahoosiff 81 points. This takes his Moanchester United right to the top of the Table.
With healthy scores continuing to arrive for both former leaders Neil's Diamonds and Pyeators a real gap is opening between the leading pack and the panting pelaton of pursuers arrear.
And THAT is as exciting as we can make Week 11 sound.
honk honk>
T h e T a b l e
Value Points
Team Manager (GBPm)Wk Tot
1 Moanchester United Alex Blundell 49.4 81 418
2 Neil's Diamonds Neil McConaghy 49.7 60 406
3 Pyeators Dave Clayton 50.0 52 400
4 Bayern Bru Guy Harewood 49.6 65 368
5 RS-TBOY Rick Beecroft 49.8 64 368
6 Brighton Beautiful Karyn Meaden-Pratt 49.9 55 368
7 Inter Milandrover Smasher 49.2 57 356
8 Rushden Academicals 2Malcolm Meaden-Pratt 49.9 40 349
9 Livercoolio Russell Bielby 49.6 48 348
10 Johnny's Heroes Sarah Bielby 47.7 48 343