Monday 11 August 2014

Week 00: It Was 20 Years Ago

To say that there's nothing worse than receiving unsolicited email about something you have absolutely no interest in whatsoever is ignoring other, far far worse, experiences.

Like giving that nice-sounding Nigerian fraudster your life-savings cos you thought that it was about time you 'put something back' and helped someone who, through no fault of their own, had found themselves in a bit of an administrative pickle.

Well he's not going to 'put back' a penny of that money you gave him is he?

No he's not.  Stop crying about it.

You, however, are receiving this email because you, at one time or other/probably, entered a team in the Office Fantasy Football League.  And this is the twentieth year it's been running, don't you know.  That's a lot of wasted lunch times.

Current Champion, Manager Russell Bielby, was hoping to coincide last season's OFFL triumph with his beloved Liverpool's return to the top of the Premiership League.  How we laughed.

Current Cup Winning Manager, Guy Harewood is, at this moment, flicking through his OFFL Cup prize of a Stanley Matthews Annual thingy, wondering how on earth life had actually led him to that very moment.

Point is, the season's about to start.  And you need to get your team in, with it's cleverly hilarious name, as soon as you can.  Late entrants will start scoring on the Monday evening after their date of entry.

It's free, remember.  Free.

Usual rules apply.​

£55m, no more than 2 players from one Premiership club, etc.

Don't just sit there reading this over-elaborate pre-amble.  Get on with it.

​ [to download the Very Helpful Spreadsheet]

We, at OFFL HQ, will be waiting for your entry. Player PINs included please.

Oh and remember... it's a marathon, not a sprint.

On behalf of Our Most Gracious Chairman.

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