Monday 14 January 2013

Week 22: Mini-Me, Big-Him

West Ham's George McCartney - not on the list
While the Chairman awaits the hatching of his latest narcissistic project - the birth of His very own Mini-Me - Manager of the Week this week is, sadly for the rest of the League, Big-Him Big Mally, Malcolm Pratt.  The Man.  The Beast.

His FC Maalcoma notched up a lead-stretching 17 points to put themselves 17 points ahead of second placers - and reigning Champions - Inter Milandrover.

Meanwhile, Dave Clayton's Pyeators are creeping up on second place themselves.  West Vam's mustering of merry music-makers maintain their melodiously meaningless  meandering, enmeshing themselves mournfully further into the mire.  We still can't believe Mr McCartney WH hasn't made it into the line-up, bass-icly.

Highest climbers this week are Craig McHugh's Real Mcdrid - up four and into joint tenth. A serious challenge for the title Mr McHugh?

You're all very lovely.

OFFL Cup Draw coming soon.

T h e   T a b l e
                                            Value Points
   Team                  Manager            (GBPm)Wk Tot
 1 FC Maalcoma            Malcolm Pratt       55.0 17 266
 2 Inter Milandrover      Smasher             54.2 11 249
 3 Pyeators               Dave Clayton        54.9 13 239
 4 Multiple Scorgasms     Sarah Bingham       54.6 14 232
 5 Neil's Diamonds        Neil McConaghy      54.8  9 225
 6 Double's United        Rachel Jones        53.9 10 224
 7 Olympilimps FC         Gavin Ward          53.0 14 210
 8 WWMC                   Steve Tierney       54.8 12 204
 9 Moobchester United     John King           53.5  5 199
10 Real Mcdrid            Craig McHugh        54.1 12 188
10 Minted                 Minty Colquhoun     55.0  7 188

12 It's A Snickers        Ashley Keeler       53.4 10 187
13 Johnny's Heroes        Sarah-Jane John     54.5  8 186
13 Irishpool              Mike Smears         54.7  9 186
15 Livercoolio            Russ Bielby         54.6 11 180
16 RST-BOY                Rick Beecroft       52.4 13 168
16 Radnorshire Tigers     Alun Edwards        54.5  5 168
18 Botley Yellow          Kate Wilson         54.2  8 137
19 Moreton Rovers         Edgar Rayner        51.4  7  95
20 Lashings of Cheese     Chris Walsh         53.4 11  88
21 West Vam               Tom Vamos           43.7  5  70

                          Week's Average Points        10
                          Total Average Points        185

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